Smart meter energy monitor
Consent terms
Once installed, your smart meter can record half hourly data. With your consent, we’ll use this information to:
- Create the most accurate billing possible and make forecasts about your usage;
- Identify potential energy efficiency savings and products that may help you;
- Monitor and reduce the risk of energy theft.
By accepting this smart meter, you agree to us getting, storing and using your smart meter information for these purposes, for periods of less than a month.
If you don’t want to give your consent, please write to us at: Opus Energy House, 8-10 The Lakes, Northampton, NN4 7YD.
I also need to let you know that, to use the energy monitor and smart phone app, we need your consent to:
- Connect the energy monitor to your smart meter
- Collect your consumption data from any of your smart metering devices, including but not limited to electricity smart meter, gas smart meter and gas proxy function devices and see your energy use.
- Share some of your data with our partner so they can provide you with the service on our behalf
- Send service requests to “join” and/or “unjoin” the energy monitor (and/or other type 2 devices) to any of your smart metering systems.
- Use the DCC self-service interface (SSI) for meter read transactions, to retrieve the daily and half hourly meter read data from your meters.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us – although you’ll be unable to continue to use the smart phone app and benefit from the energy monitor.